Compact list of tagged items "Responsive", "Design"

العنوان تاريخ الإنشاء
Aenean vea aliquam 26 أيار 2011
Aliquam lobortis cursus 26 أيار 2011
Detus laoreet dignissim 26 أيار 2011
Faucibus eu laoreet nunc 26 أيار 2011
Gucibus Teu laoreet nunc 26 أيار 2011
Mes pede elit nibh 26 أيار 2011
Template Settings


For each color, the params below will give default values
Blue Cyan Green Orange


Background Color
Text Color


Patterns for Layout Style: Boxed
Layout Style
Select menu
Google Font
Body Font-size
Body Font-family